[!TIP|label:get sizer dynamically]

Closure sizer = { long size ->
  List units    = [ 'bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB' ]
  double bits   = size
  String result = bits > 0 ? "${bits.round(2)} bytes" : '0'
  units.eachWithIndex { unit, index ->
    if ( bits < 1024 ) return
    bits   = bits / 1024
    result = "${bits.round(2)} ${units.get(index+1)}"



monitor for controller

  • memory

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    Closure sizer = { long size ->
      List units    = [ 'bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB' ]
      double bits   = size
      String result = bits > 0 ? "${bits.round(2)} bytes" : '0'
      units.eachWithIndex { unit, index ->
        if ( bits < 1024 ) return
        bits   = bits / 1024
        result = "${bits.round(2)} ${units.get(index+1)}"
    memory = new MemoryInformations()
    println """
               used memory : ${sizer(memory.usedMemory)}
                max memory : ${sizer(memory.maxMemory)}
             used perm gen : ${sizer(memory.usedPermGen)}
              max perm gen : ${sizer(memory.maxPermGen)}
             used non heap : ${sizer(memory.usedNonHeapMemory)}
      used physical memory : ${sizer(memory.usedPhysicalMemorySize)}
           used swap space : ${sizer(memory.usedSwapSpaceSize)}
  • http sessions

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    println SessionListener.getSessionCount() + " sessions:"
    sessions = SessionListener.getAllSessionsInformations()
    sessions.each { session ->
      println session
  • thread dumps

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    java = new JavaInformations(Parameters.getServletContext(), true)
    threads = java.getThreadInformationsList()
    println threads.size() + " threads (" + java.activeThreadCount + " http threads active):"
    threads.each { thread ->
      println "\n${thread}"
      thread.getStackTrace().each { s ->
        println "    " + s
  • deadlock threads

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    java = new JavaInformations(Parameters.getServletContext(), true)
    threads = java.getThreadInformationsList()
    deadlocked = new java.util.ArrayList()
    for (thread in threads) {
      if (thread.deadlocked)
    println deadlocked.size() + " deadlocked threads / " + threads.size() + " threads (" + java.activeThreadCount + " http threads active)"
    deadlocked.each { thread ->
      println "\n${thread}"
      thread.getStackTrace().each { s ->
        println "    " + s
  • JVM data

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    java = new JavaInformations( Parameters.getServletContext(), true )
    println """
                            sessions count : ${java.sessionCount}
                 active HTTP threads count : ${java.activeThreadCount}
                             threads count : ${java.threadCount}
                       system load average : ${java.systemLoadAverage}
                           system cpu load : ${java.systemCpuLoad}
                      available processors : ${java.availableProcessors}
                                      host : ${java.host}
                                        os : ${java.os}
                              java version : ${java.javaVersion}
                               jvm version : ${java.jvmVersion}
                                       pid : ${java.pid}
                               server info : ${java.serverInfo}
                              context path : ${java.contextPath}
                                start date : ${java.startDate}
      free disk space in Jenkins directory : ${Math.round(java.freeDiskSpaceInTemp / 1024 / 1024)} Mb
    • result
                            sessions count : 10
                 active HTTP threads count : 1
                             threads count : 551
                       system load average : 0.23
                           system cpu load : 0.21985650348135538
                      available processors : 72
                                      host : devops-jenkins-bf57ddfbc-26mjz@
                                        os : Linux, 4.19.12-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 , amd64/64
                              java version : OpenJDK Runtime Environment, 11.0.18+10
                               jvm version : OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 11.0.18+10, mixed mode
                                       pid : 7
                               server info : jetty/10.0.13
                              context path :
                                start date : Wed May 10 23:45:43 PDT 2023
      free disk space in Jenkins directory : 1709602 Mb
  • heap histogram ( dangerous )

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    classes = VirtualMachine.createHeapHistogram().getHeapHistogram()
    println "class    instances    bytes    source"
    println "====================================="
    classes.each { c ->
      println c.name + "    " + c.instancesCount + "    " + c.bytes + "    " + c.source
  • heap dump ( dangerous )

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    if (System.getProperty("java.vendor").contains("IBM")) {
      println I18N.getString("heap_dump_genere_ibm")
    } else {
      heapDumpPath = Action.HEAP_DUMP.heapDump().getPath()
      println I18N.getFormattedString("heap_dump_genere", heapDumpPath)
  • MBean attribute value

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    exampleAttribute = "java.lang:type=OperatingSystem.ProcessCpuTime"
    println exampleAttribute + " = " + MBeans.getConvertedAttributes(exampleAttribute)
  • stats of builds and build steps having mean time greater than severe threshold

    [!NOTE|label:by default:] By default, severe threshold = 2 x stddev of all durations and warning threshold = 1 x stddev

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    buildCounter = CounterRunListener.getBuildCounter()
    aggreg = new CounterRequestAggregation(buildCounter)
    aggreg.getRequests().findAll{ request ->
      request.getMean() >= aggreg.getSevereThreshold() ||
      request.getCpuTimeMean() >= aggreg.getSevereThreshold()
    }.each { request ->
      println """
        ${request.getName()} :
                           hits = ${request.getHits()}
                           mean = ${request.getMean()}
                            max = ${request.getMaximum()}
                         stddev = ${request.getStandardDeviation()}
                    cpuTimeMean = ${request.getCpuTimeMean()}
          systemErrorPercentage = ${request.getSystemErrorPercentage()}
  • GC

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    before = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
    after = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
    println I18N.getFormattedString( "ramasse_miette_execute", Math.round((before - after) / 1024) )
  • alerts

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    Closure sizer = { long size ->
      List units    = [ 'bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB' ]
      double bits   = size
      String result = bits > 0 ? "${bits.round(2)} bytes" : '0'
      units.eachWithIndex { unit, index ->
        if ( bits < 1024 ) return
        bits   = bits / 1024
        result = "${bits.round(2)} ${units.get(index+1)}"
    java = new JavaInformations(Parameters.getServletContext(), true)
    memory = java.memoryInformations
    println """
                               used memory = ${sizer(memory.usedMemory)}
                 active HTTP threads count = ${java.activeThreadCount}
                       system load average = ${java.systemLoadAverage}
      free disk space in Jenkins directory = ${sizer(java.freeDiskSpaceInTemp)}
    threads = java.getThreadInformationsList()
    deadlocked = new java.util.ArrayList()
    threads.each { thread ->
      if ( thread.deadlocked ) deadlocked.add(thread)
    println deadlocked.size() + " deadlocked threads / " + threads.size() + " threads"
    deadlocked.each { thread ->
      println """
        ${thread} :
          ${thread.getStackTrace().collect { it }.join('\n' + ' '*10)}
    if (java.systemLoadAverage > 50                    ) throw new Exception( "Alert for Jenkins: systemLoadAverage is " + java.systemLoadAverage )
    if (java.activeThreadCount > 100                   ) throw new Exception( "Alert for Jenkins: activeThreadCount is " + java.activeThreadCount )
    if (deadlocked.size() > 0                          ) throw new Exception( "Alert for Jenkins: " + deadlocked.size( ) + " deadlocked threads"  )
    if (java.freeDiskSpaceInTemp / 1024 / 1024 < 10000 ) throw new Exception( "Alert for Jenkins: only " + Math.round(java.freeDiskSpaceInTemp / 1024 / 1024 ) + " Mb free disk space left"                                  )

monitor for agents

  • jvm data, memory data, deadlocked threads

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    Closure sizer = { long size ->
      List units    = [ 'bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB' ]
      String result = bits > 0 ? "${bits.round(2)} bytes" : '0'
      double bits   = size
      units.eachWithIndex { unit, index ->
        if ( bits < 1024 ) return
        bits   = bits / 1024
        result = "${bits.round(2)} ${units.get(index+1)}"
    // null for all nodes, not null for a particular node
    String nodeName   = null
    Map mapByNodeName = new RemoteCallHelper(nodeName).collectJavaInformationsListByName()
    mapByNodeName.keySet().each { node ->
      java = mapByNodeName.get(node)
      println """
        Node : ${node} :
                     sessions count : ${java.sessionCount}
          active HTTP threads count : ${java.activeThreadCount}
                      threads count : ${java.threadCount}
                system load average : ${java.systemLoadAverage}
                    system cpu load : ${java.systemCpuLoad}
               available processors : ${java.availableProcessors}
                               host : ${java.host}
                                 os : ${java.os}
                       java version : ${java.javaVersion}
                        jvm version : ${java.jvmVersion}
                                pid : ${java.pid}
                        server info : ${java.serverInfo}
                       context path : ${java.contextPath}
                         start date : ${java.startDate}
      memory = java.memoryInformations
      println """
                        used memory : ${sizer(memory.usedMemory)}
                         max memory : ${sizer(memory.maxMemory)}
                      used perm gen : ${sizer(memory.usedPermGen)}
                       max perm gen : ${sizer(memory.maxPermGen)}
                      used non heap : ${sizer(memory.usedNonHeapMemory)}
               used physical memory : ${sizer(memory.usedPhysicalMemorySize)}
                    used swap space : ${sizer(memory.usedSwapSpaceSize)}
      threads = java.getThreadInformationsList()
      List deadlocked = threads.findAll{ it.deadlocked }
      println """
                             thread : ${deadlocked.size()} deadlocked threads / ${threads.size()} threads ( ${java.activeThreadCount} threads active )
      deadlocked.collectEntries { thread -> [ "${thread}" : ${thread.getStackTrace().collect{ t}} ] }
                .each { thread, s ->
                   println """
                     ${thread} :
                     ${s.join('\n' + ' '*20)}
      println ' '*10 + '*'*60
  • aa

    import net.bull.javamelody.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.model.*
    import net.bull.javamelody.internal.common.*
    String exampleAttributes = "java.lang:type=OperatingSystem.ProcessCpuTime|java.lang:type=Memory.HeapMemoryUsage"
    // null for all nodes, not null for a particular node
    String nodeName = null
    List values = new RemoteCallHelper(nodeName).collectJmxValues(exampleAttributes)
    values.each { value ->
      println exampleAttributes + " = " + value
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