regex Pattern and Matcher


matches to regex (return Boolean)

String cpuset  = '/kubepods/burstable/pod59899be8/b60bf42d334be0eff64f325bad5b0ca4750119fbf8a7e80afa4e559040208ab3'
String pattern = '^/kubepods/([^/]+/){2}(\\w{64})$'

assert (cpuset =~ pattern).find()      == true
assert (cpuset =~ pattern).lookingAt() == true
assert (cpuset =~ pattern).matches()   == true

get all matches

String text = """
This text contains some numbers like 1024
or 256. Some of them are odd (like 3) or
even (like 2).
String pattern = '\\d+'

assert (text =~ pattern).findAll() == [ '1024', '256', '3', '2' ]

safely capture the matches

String k8sPattern    = '^/kubepods/([^/]+/){2}(\\w{64})$'
String dockerPattern = '^/docker/(\\w{64})$'
String cpuset  = '/kubepods/burstable/pod59899be8/b60bf42d334be0eff64f325bad5b0ca4750119fbf8a7e80afa4e559040208ab3'
int groupIndex = 0
int index      = 1

( cpuset =~ k8sPattern ).findAll()?.getAt(groupIndex)?.getAt(index)    ?: null
( cpuset =~ dockerPattern ).findAll()?.getAt(groupIndex)?.getAt(index) ?: null

encoding & decoding

recursively encoding

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

String encoder ( String url, Integer counter = 1 ) {
  if ( counter == 0 ) return url
  if ( counter >  0 ) return encoder( URLEncoder.encode( url, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ), counter - 1 )

recursively decoding

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

String decoder ( String url, Integer counter = 1 ) {
  if ( counter == 0 ) return url
  if ( counter >  0 ) return decoder( URLDecoder.decode( url, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ), counter - 1 )


println """
  \\u22c5 : | \u22c5 |
  \\u23d0 : | \u23d0 |
  \\u2802 : | \u2802 |
  \\u2812 : | \u2812 |
  \\u00a8 : | \u00a8 |
  \\u2810 : | \u2810 |
  \\u22ef : | \u22ef |
  \\u1801 : | \u1801 |
  \\u1802 : | \u1802 |
  \\u1803 : | \u1803 |
  \\u20db : | \u20db |
  \\u20dc : | \u20dc |
  \\u20e8 : | \u20e8 |
  \\u20db : | \u20db |
  \\u20dc : | \u20dc |
  \\u2236 : | \u2236 |
  \\u22ee : | \u22ee |
  \\u22ef : | \u22ef |
  \\u2d48 : | \u2d48 |
  \\u2d42 : | \u2d42 |
  \\u2d57 : | \u2d57 |
  \\u2d67 : | \u2d67 |
  \\u2e31 : | \u2e31 |
  \\u302f : | \u302f |
  \\ua4fd : | \ua4fd |
  \\ua537 : | \ua537 |
  \\ua539 : | \ua539 |
  \\ua789 : | \ua789 |
  \\ufe19 : | \ufe19 |
  \\ufe55 : | \ufe55 |

  \\u2219 : | \u2219 |
  \\u22c5 : | \u22c5 |
  \\u22ef : | \u22ef |

  \\u25b4 : | \u25b4 |
  \\u25b8 : | \u25b8 |
  \\u25be : | \u25be |
  \\u25c2 : | \u25c2 |
  \\u25cf : | \u25cf |
  \\u25b9 : | \u25b9 |
  \\u25bf : | \u25bf |

  \\u2639 : | \u2639 |
  \\u263a : | \u263a |
  \\u263b : | \u263b |
  • result

      \u22c5 : | ⋅ |
      \u23d0 : | ⏐ |
      \u2802 : | ⠂ |
      \u2812 : | ⠒ |
      \u00a8 : | ¨ |
      \u2810 : | ⠐ |
      \u22ef : | ⋯ |
      \u1801 : | ᠁ |
      \u1802 : | ᠂ |
      \u1803 : | ᠃ |
      \u20db : |  |
      \u20dc : |  |
      \u20e8 : |  |
      \u20db : |  |
      \u20dc : |  |
      \u2236 : | ∶ |
      \u22ee : | ⋮ |
      \u22ef : | ⋯ |
      \u2d48 : | ⵈ |
      \u2d42 : | ⵂ |
      \u2d57 : | ⵗ |
      \u2d67 : | ⵧ |
      \u2e31 : | ⸱ |
      \u302f : |  |
      \ua4fd : | ꓽ |
      \ua537 : | ꔷ |
      \ua539 : | ꔹ |
      \ua789 : | ꞉ |
      \ufe19 : | ︙ |
      \ufe55 : | ﹕ |
      \u2219 : | ∙ |
      \u22c5 : | ⋅ |
      \u22ef : | ⋯ |
      \u25b4 : | ▴ |
      \u25b8 : | ▸ |
      \u25be : | ▾ |
      \u25c2 : | ◂ |
      \u25cf : | ● |
      \u25b9 : | ▹ |
      \u25bf : | ▿ |
      \u2639 : | ☹ |
      \u263a : | ☺ |
      \u263b : | ☻ |
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results matching ""

    No results matching ""