

terminal info

  • list info
    $ terminfo -f
    $ terminfo -W

reset terminal


$ stty sane
# or
$ stty echo

# or
$ reset
# or
$ tset



sc Save the cursor position
rc Restore the cursor position
home Move the cursor to upper left corner (0,0)
cup <row> <col> Move the cursor to position row, col
cud1 Move the cursor down 1 line
cuu1 Move the cursor up 1 line
civis Set to cursor to be invisible
cnorm Set the cursor to its normal state
bold Start bold text
smul Start underlined text
rmul End underlined text
rev Start reverse video
blink Start blinking text
invis Start invisible text
smso Start “standout” mode
rmso End “standout” mode
sgr0 Turn off all attributes
setaf <value> Set foreground color
setab <value> Set background color
0 Black
1 Red
2 Green
3 Yellow
4 Blue
5 Magenta
6 Cyan
7 White
8 Not used
9 Reset to default color
smcup Save screen contents
rmcup Restore screen contents
el Clear from the cursor to the end of the line
el1 Clear from the cursor to the beginning of the line
ed Clear from the cursor to the end of the screen
clear Clear the entire screen and home the cursor
  • cursor action:
Name Termcap Equiv. Description
civis vi Make cursor invisible
cvvis vs Make cursor very visible
cnorm ve Make cursor normal (undo cvvis' &civis)'
cuf RI Move cursor right #1 spaces (P*)
cuf1 nd Move cursor right one space
cub LE Move cursor left #1 spaces (P)
cub1 le Move cursor left one space
cuu UP Move cursor up #1 lines (P*)
cuu1 up Move cursor up one line
cud DO Move cursor down #1 lines (P*)
cud1 do Move cursor down one line
cup cm Move cursor to row #1, column #2 of screen (P)
mrcup CM Move cursor to row #1, column #2 of memory (P)
vpa cv Move cursor to row #1 (P)
hpa ch Move cursor to column #1 (P)
home ho Home cursor (if no `cup')
hd hd Move cursor down one-half line
hu hu Move cursor up one-half line
sc sc Save cursor position
rc rc Restore cursor to position of last `sc'
sgr0 me Turn off all attributes
ll ll Go to last line, first column (if no cup)
  • move sequence to top

    $ tput home
    # or
    $ tput cup 0 0
    # or
    $ tput cup %py %px >/dev/tty
  • show info

    $ tput -T screen longname
    VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal
    $ tput longname
    xterm with 256 colors
    $ echo "Rows=$(tput lines) Cols=$(tput cols)"
    Rows=30 Cols=104
  • set cursor

    # invisible
    $ tput civis
    # normal
    $ tput cnorm
  • text color

    for fg_color in {0..255}; do
      set_foreground=$(tput setaf $fg_color)
      for bg_color in {0..7}; do
          set_background=$(tput setab $bg_color)
          echo -n $set_background$set_foreground
          printf ' F:%s B:%s ' $fg_color $bg_color
      echo $(tput sgr0)
    • PS1


      red=$(tput setaf 1)
      green=$(tput setaf 2)
      blue=$(tput setaf 4)
      reset=$(tput sgr0)
      PS1='\[$red\]\u\[$reset\]@\[$green\]\h\[$reset\]:\[$blue\]\w\[$reset\]\$ '
  • shows tput processing in one invocation

    $ tput -S <<!
      cup 10 10
    # or
    $ tput -S <<EOF
      cup $line $column
  • print in center of line

    COLUMNS=`tput cols` export COLUMNS # Get screen width.
    echo "$@" | awk '
    { spaces = ('$COLUMNS' - length) / 2
      while (spaces-- > 0) printf (" ")
  • print in center of terminal

    COLUMNS=`tput cols`
    LINES=`tput lines`
    line=`expr $LINES / 2`
    column=`expr \( $COLUMNS - 6 \) / 2`
    tput sc
    tput cup $line $column
    tput rev
    echo 'Hello, World'
    tput sgr0
    tput rc
  • tput_menu : script for clean screen

    BG_BLUE="$(tput setab 4)"
    BG_BLACK="$(tput setab 0)"
    FG_GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)"
    FG_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)"
    # save screen
    tput smcup
    # display menu until selection == 0
    while [[ $REPLY != 0 ]]; do
      echo -n ${BG_BLUE}${FG_WHITE}
      cat <<- _EOF_
        Please Select:
        1. Display Hostname and Uptime
        2. Display Disk Space
        3. Display Home Space Utilization
        0. Quit
      read -p "Enter selection [0-3] > " selection
      # clear area beneath menu
      tput cup 10 0
      echo -n ${BG_BLACK}${FG_GREEN}
      tput ed
      tput cup 11 0
      # act on selection
      case $selection in
        1)  echo "Hostname: $HOSTNAME"
        2)  df -h
        3)  if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then
              echo "Home Space Utilization (All Users)"
              du -sh /home/* 2> /dev/null
              echo "Home Space Utilization ($USER)"
              du -s $HOME/* 2> /dev/null | sort -nr
        0)  break
        *)  echo "Invalid entry."
      printf "\n\npress any key to continue."
      read -n 1
    # restore screen
    tput rmcup
    echo "Program terminated."
  • now


    now date time -- now date time
    show now
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    tput sc                    # save cursor position.
    #--------- DATE -------------------------------------------------------------
    tput rc                    # restore saved cursor position.
    cal | tr -cd '\11\12\15\40\60-\136\140-\176' > /tmp/terminal
    Today=$(date +"%e")
    printf "\033[32m"           # color green -- see list above.
    while IFS= read -r Cal; do
      printf "%s" "$Cal"
      if [[ $calLineCnt -gt 2 ]] ; then
        tput cub 22                   # see if today is on current line & invert background
        for (( j=0 ; j <= 18 ; j += 3 )) ; do
          Test=${Cal:$j:2}            # Current day on calendar line
          if [[ "$Test" == "$Today" ]] ; then
            printf "\033[7m"          # reverse: [7m
            printf "%s" "$Today"
            printf "\033[0m"          # normal: [0m
            printf "\033[32m"         # color green -- see list above.
            tput cuf 1
            tput cuf 3
      tput cud1                 # down one line
      tput cuf $dataColumn      # move 27 columns right
    done < /tmp/terminal
    printf "\033[00m"           # color -- bright white (default)
    echo ""
    tput rc                     # restore saved cursor position.
    #-------- TIME --------------------------------------------------------------
    tput sc                     # save cursor position.
    tput cuu 7                  # move up 9 lines
    tput cuf $timeColumn        # move 49 columns right
    if hash toilet 2>/dev/null; then                          # if has toilet
       date +"%I:%M %P" | toilet -f future  > /tmp/terminal
    elif hash figlet 2>/dev/null; then                        # if has figlet
       date +"%I:%M %P" | figlet > /tmp/terminal
       date +"%I:%M %P" > /tmp/terminal
    while IFS= read -r Time; do
      printf "\033[01;36m"    # color cyan
      printf "%s" "$Time"
      tput cud1               # Up one line
      tput cuf $timeColumn    # Move 49 columns right
    done < /tmp/terminal
    tput rc                     # Restore saved cursor position.
    exit 0



echo Echoes every character typed.
-echo Does not echo characters.
echoctl Echoes control characters as ^X (Ctrl-X), where X is the character given by adding 100 octal to the code of the control character.
-echoctl Does not echo control characters as ^X (Ctrl-X).
echoe Echoes the ERASE character as the "backspace space backspace" string.
-echoe Does not echo the ERASE character, just backspace.
echok Echoes a NL character after a KILL character.
-echok Does not echo a NL character after a KILL character.
echoke Echoes the KILL character by erasing each character on the output line.
-echoke Just echoes the KILL character.
echonl Echoes the NL character.
-echonl Does not echo the NL character.
echoprt Echoes erased characters backwards with / (slash) and \ (backslash).
-echoprt Does not echo erased characters backwards with / (slash) and \ (backslash).
icanon Enables canonical input (canonical input allows input-line editing with the ERASE and KILL characters). See the discussion about canonical mode input in Line Discipline Module (ldterm) AIX Version 4.3 Communications Programming Concepts.
-icanon Disables canonical input.
iexten Specifies that implementation-defined functions shall be recognized from the input data. Recognition of the following control characters requires iexten to be set: eol2, dsusp, reprint, discard, werase, lnext. The functions associated with these modes also require iexten to be set: imaxbel, echoke, echoprt, and echoctl.
-iexten Specifies that implementation-defined functions shall not be recognized from the input data.
isig Enables the checking of characters against the special control characters INTR, SUSP and QUIT special control characters.
-isig Disables the checking of characters against the special control characters INTR, SUSP and QUIT special control characters.
noflsh Does not clear buffers after INTR, SUSP, or QUIT control characters.
-noflsh Clears buffers after INTR, SUSP, or QUIT control characters.
pending Causes any input that is pending after a switch from raw to canonical mode to be re-input the next time a read operation becomes pending or the next time input arrives. Pending is an internal state bit.
-pending No text is pending.
tostop Signals SIGTOU for background output.
-tostop Does not signal SIGTOU for background output.
xcase Echoes uppercase characters on input, and displays uppercase characters on output with a preceding \ (backslash).
-xcase Does not echo uppercase characters on input.
  • show all

    $ stty -a
    speed 38400 baud; rows 30; columns 104;
    intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 = <undef>; start = ^Q;
    stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; dsusp = ^Y; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; discard = ^O; status = ^T;
    min = 1; time = 0;
    -parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
    -ignbrk brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl -ixon ixoff ixany imaxbel iutf8
    opost -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
    isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke -flusho -extproc
  • show size

    $ stty size
    30 104
  • enable/disable echo

    $ stty echo    # or stty sane
    $ stty -echo

tty ( teletypewriter )




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