

$ jiraName=''
$ jiraID='STORY-1'


check fields

$ curl -s \
       -k \
       -X GET https://${jiraName}/rest/api/2/issue/${jiraID} |
       jq --raw-output

check attachment

  • check attachment ID

    $ curl -s \
           -k \
           -X GET https://${jiraName}/rest/api/2/issue/${jiraID}?fields=attachment |
           jq --raw-output .fields.attachment[].id
  • get attachments download url

    $ curl -s \
           -k \
           -X GET https://${jiraName}/rest/api/2/issue/${jiraID}?fields=attachment |
           jq --raw-output .fields.attachment[].content
    • download all attachments in Jira

      -I replace-str

            Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments with names read from standard in-
            put.  Also, unquoted blanks do not terminate input items; instead the separator is  the  new-
            line character.  Implies -x and -L 1.
      $ curl -s \
             -k \
             -X GET https://${jiraName}/rest/api/2/issue/${jiraID}?fields=attachment |
             jq --raw-output .fields.attachment[].content |
             xargs -I '{}' curl -sgOJL '{}'

list all projects

$ curl -fsSL -XGET |
  jq -r '.[] | [.key, .name] | join(" | ")' |
  column -s '|' -t

search issue by JQL


  • format JQL


    $ jql='project = abc AND issuetype = release order by updated desc'
    $ jql=$(printf %s "${jql}" | jq -sRr @uri)
    legacy version
    $ jql="$(sed 's/ //g;s/AND/ AND /g;s/OR/ OR /g;s/IN/ IN /g;s/IS/ IS /g' <<< "${jql}")"
    $ jql="$(printf %s "${jql}" | jq -sRr @uri)"
    # i.e.:
    $ jql='project = abc AND issuetype = release'
    $ jql="$(sed 's/ //g;s/AND/ AND /g;s/OR/ OR /g;s/IN/ IN /g;s/IS/ IS /g' <<< "${jql}")"
    $ echo $jql
    project=abc AND issuetype=release
    $ jql="$(printf %s "${jql}" | jq -sRr @uri)"
    $ echo $jql
  • api


    • * iMarslo : bin/jira
    • query parameters:
      • maxResults: integer
      • startAt: integer
      • validateQuery: string
      • fields: array<string>
      • expand: string
      • properties: array<string>
      • fieldsByKeys: boolean
      • sample: search?jql=${jql}&maxResults=100&startAt=0
    $ curl --silent \
           --insecure \
           --globoff \
           --netrc-file ~/.netrc \
           -XGET \
           "${jql}" |
      jq -r ${jqOpt}
    # i.e.:
    $ curlOpt='--silent --insecure --globoff --netrc-file ~/.netrc'
    $ url=''
    $ queryParams="startAt=0&maxResults=10"
    $ jql='project = ABC AND issuetype = Release ORDER BY updated ASC'          # copy from Jira website
    $ jql="$(printf %s "${jql}" | jq -sRr @uri)"
    $ curl "${curlOpt}" "${url}/search?jql=${jql}&${queryParams}" |
           jq -r '.issues[]' |
           jq -r '. | [.key, .fields.summary,,, .fields.updated, .fields.created] | join("|")' |
           while IFS='|' read -r _key _summary _status _issuetype _updated _created; do
             echo "- [${_key}] - ${_summary}"
             echo "  -  status    : ${_status}"
             echo "  -  issuetype : ${_issuetype}"
             echo "  -  created   : ${_created}"
             echo "  -  updated   : ${_updated}"
    legacy version
    $ curl --silent \
           --insecure \
           --globoff \
           --netrc-file ~/.netrc \
           -XGET \
           "${jql}" |
      jq -r ${jqOpt}
    # i.e.:
    $ curlOpt='--silent --insecure --globoff --netrc-file ~/.netrc'
    $ url=''
    $ queryParams="startAt=0&maxResults=10"
    $ jql='project = abc AND issuetype = release'          # copy from Jira website
    $ jql="$(sed 's/ //g;s/AND/ AND /g;s/OR/ OR /g;s/IN/ IN /g;s/IS/ IS /g' <<< "${jql}")"
    $ jql="$(printf %s "${jql}" | jq -sRr @uri)"
    $ curl "${curlOpt}" "${url}/search?jql=${jql}&${queryParams}" |
           jq -r '.issues[]' |
           jq -r '. | [.key, .fields.summary,,, .fields.updated, .fields.created] | join("|")' |
           while IFS='|' read -r _key _summary _status _issuetype _updated _created; do
             echo "- [${_key}] - ${_summary}"
             echo "  -  status    : ${_status}"
             echo "  -  issuetype : ${_issuetype}"
             echo "  -  created   : ${_created}"
             echo "  -  updated   : ${_updated}"

generate OAuth consumer

$ openssl genrsa -out jira_privatekey.pem 1024
$ openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -key jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_publickey.cer -days 365
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_privatekey.pcks8
$ openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in jira_publickey.cer  > jira_publickey.pem




$ for _i in "blocker.png" "blocker.svg" "critical.png" "critical.svg" "high.png" "high.svg" "highest.png" "highest.svg" "low.png" "low.svg" "lowest.png" "lowest.svg" "major.png" "major.svg" "medium.png" "medium.svg" "minor.png" "minor.svg" "trivial.png" "trivial.svg"; do
    echo "--> ${_i}"
    curl -O${_i}


$ confluenceName=''
$ pageID='143765713'

get page id: confluence page id

get info

$ curl -s -X GET https://${confluenceName}/rest/api/content/${pageID} | jq --raw-output
  • get space
    $ curl -s -X GET https://${confluenceName}/rest/api/content/${pageID} | jq .space.key
  • get title
    $ curl -s -X GET https://${confluenceName}/rest/api/content/${pageID} | jq .title
  • get page history

    $ curl -s -X GET https://${confluenceName}/rest/api/content/${pageID} | jq .version.number
    • get next version
      currentVer=$(curl -s -X GET https://${confluenceName}/rest/api/content/${pageID} | jq .version.number)

publish to confluence

sample script

$ url="https://${confluenceName}/rest/api/content/${pageID}"
$ page=$(curl -s ${url})
$ space=$(echo "${page}" | jq .space.key)
$ title=$(echo "${page}" | jq .title)
$ currentVer=$(echo "${page}" | jq .version.number)
$ newVer=$((currentVer+1))

$ cat > a.json << EOF
  "id": "${pageID}",
  "type": "page",
  "title": ${title},
  "space": {"key": ${space}},
  "body": {
    "storage": {
      "value": "<h1>Hi confluence</h1>",
      "representation": "storage"
  "version": {"number":${newVer}}

$ curl -s \
       -i \
       -X PUT \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       --data "$(cat a.json)" \
  • result publish via api



  • create excerpt create multiexcerpt

  • include excerpt include excerpt

  • result include excerpt

Copyright © marslo 2020-2023 all right reserved,powered by GitbookLast Modified: 2024-03-12 15:01:30

results matching ""

    No results matching ""