[!NOTE] references:

A closure definition follows this syntax:

 { [closureParameters -> ] statements }


Closure clos = { println "Hello World" }
assert clos.call() == clos()
           |           + implicit call
           + explicit call

Closure VS. Method

closures have benefits over regular methods and are a powerful feature of Groovy:

  • We can pass a Closure as an argument to a method
  • Unary closures can use the implicit it parameter
  • We can assign a Closure to a variable and execute it later, either as a method or with call
  • Groovy determines the return type of the closures at runtime
  • We can declare and invoke closures inside a closure
  • Closures always return a value
  • method

    def formatToLowerCase( String name ) {
  • closure

    def formatToLowerCaseClosure = { name ->

break from closure


  • return means continue
  • return true means break the loop

def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list.any { element ->
  if (element == 2)
    return // continue

  println element

  if (element == 3)
    return true // break


  • left curry

    def multiply = { x, y -> return x * y }
    def triple = multiply.curry(3)           // triple = { y -> return 3 * y }
  • example

    def nCopies = { int n, String... str -> str.join('')*n }
    def twice = nCopies.curry(2)
    println twice('|', '\\', '|', '/' )
    assert twice('|', '\\', '|', '/' ) == nCopies( 2, '|', '\\', '|', '/' )
    • result
  • others left curry

    def multiConcat = { int n, String... args ->
    multiConcat( 3, '*', '-', '=' )
    • result
  • right curry

    def nCopies = { int n, String str -> str*n }
    def twice = nCopies.rcurry( '*-=*=-*' )
    println twice(2)
    assert twice(2) == nCopies( 2, '*-=*=-*' )
    • result


    def nCopies = { int n, String str -> str*n }
    def twice   = nCopies.rcurry( '*-=*=-*' )
    def divider = nCopies.curry( 2 )
    assert nCopies( 2, '*-=*=-*' ) == twice( 2 )                // right curry
    assert nCopies( 2, '-.-.-.-' ) == divider( '-.-.-.-' )      // left  curry
  • index with curry

    def volume = { int l, int w, int h -> "l: ${l}\nw: ${w}\nh: ${h}" }
    def fixedWidthVolume = volume.ncurry(1, 2)
    println fixedWidthVolume( 3, 4 )
    • result
      l: 3
      w: 2
      h: 4


Fibonacci suite :

  • fib(15) == fib(14) + fib(13)
  • fib(14) == fib(13) + fib(12)

  • slow

    def fib
    fib = { long n -> n<2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }
    println fib(10)
    // result
  • fast

    tips: Closures.memoize()

    def fib
    fib = { long n -> n<2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) }.memoize()
    // result


double composition

def plus2  = { it + 2 }
def times3 = { it * 3 }
def times3plus2 = plus2 << times3
//                  |        + execute first
//                  + execute second
// result
assert times3plus2(3) == 3*3+2
assert times3plus2(3) == plus2(times3(3))

def plus2times3 = plus2 >> times3
//                  |        + execute last
//                  + execute first
// result
assert plus2times3(3) == (3+2)*3
assert plus2times3(3) == times3(plus2(3))

assert ( plus2 << times3 )(3)   ==   ( times3 >> plus2 )(3)
//         |        + execute first      |       + execute last
//         + execute last                + execute first

  • example for recursive in List

    def map1 = [ a: 10 , b: 2 , c: 3 ]
    def map2 = [ b: 3  , c: 2 , d: 5 ]
    def maps = [ map1  , map2 ]
    def process( def maps, Closure myLambda ) {
      maps.sum { it.keySet() }.collectEntries { key ->
        [ key,
          { x ->
            x.subList(1, x.size()).inject(x[0], myLambda)
          }( maps.findResults { it[key] } )
    def sumResult  = process(maps) { a, b -> a + b }
    def prodResult = process(maps) { a, b -> a * b }
    def minResult  = process(maps) { a, b -> a < b ? a : b }
    assert sumResult  == [ a:10, b:5, c:5, d:5 ]
    assert prodResult == [ a:10, b:6, c:6, d:5 ]
    assert minResult  == [ a:10, b:2, c:2, d:5 ]
    • resolution
      assert [2,4,5].inject(1){ a, b -> a + b  }   == 12
      assert [2,4,5].inject(1, { a, b -> a + b }) == 12

triple composition

def multiply    = { x, y -> return x * y }
def triple      = multiply.curry(3)
def quadruple   = multiply.curry(4)
def composition = { f, g, x -> return f(g(x)) }
def twelveTimes = composition.curry(triple, quadruple)      //  twelveTimes = { y -> composition { y -> 3*(4*y) } }
def threeDozen  = twelveTimes(3)


  • various method to call closure

    def work( String input, Closure cl ) {
    Closure assertJava = {
      it == 'Java'
    println work( "Java", assertJava )
    println work("Java", { it == 'Java' })   // ==> work 'Java', { it == 'Java' }
    println work( 'Java' ){
      it == 'Java'
  • frequent usage

    def on( String name, String dString = 'is' ) {
        skip: { -> println "no params. skip" },
        foo: { String f, Map fmap ->
          foo( name, dString, f, fmap )
            bar: { Map map -> bar( '', map ) }
        } ,
        bar: { Map map -> bar( name, map ) }
    def reset( Map m ) {
      m.collect{ k, v -> "${k} : ${v}" }.join('\n')
    def foo( String n, String ds, String f, Map m ) {
      println "${n} ${ds} ${f} !\ndetails :\n\t\t${reset(m)}"
    def bar( String n = '', Map m ) {
      println "${n ? "${n}\n": ''}\t\t${reset(m)}"
    • result

        .foo( 'awesome', [ 'age' : 34 ] )
        .bar( ['gender' : 'female' ] )
      // result
      marslo is awesome !
      details :
          age : 34
          gender : female


    // result
    no params. skip


[!NOTE] references:

List.metaClass.collectWithIndex = { yield ->
  def collected = []
  delegate.eachWithIndex { listItem, index ->
    collected << yield(listItem, index)

  return collected

result = list.collectWithIndex { it, index -> "${index + 1}. ${it}" }
  • .collect with an index

    List.metaClass.collectWithIndex = { body->
      def i=0
      delegate.collect { body(it, i++) }
    // or even
    List.metaClass.collectWithIndex = { body->
      [ delegate, 0..<delegate.size() ].transpose().collect(body)



class Enclosing {
  void run() {
    def whatIsThisObject = { getThisObject() }
    assert whatIsThisObject() == this

    def whatIsThis = { this }
    assert whatIsThis() == this

Enclosing e = new Enclosing()


Closure return Closure

  • simple

    def withClosure( Object object, Closure body ) {
      Closure bar = { obj -> obj.toString() }
      Closure foo = { cid ->
          (java.lang.String)    : { body([ claz: cid.class.simpleName,  str: bar(cid) ]) } ,
          (java.util.ArrayList) : { body([ claz: cid.class.simpleName, list: bar(cid) ]) }
        ].find { it.key.isAssignableFrom( cid.getClass() ) }.value.call()
      foo object
    withClosure('s')   { b -> println "${b.claz} -> ${b.str}" }
    withClosure(['a']) { b -> println "${b.claz} -> ${b.list}" }
    -- result --
    String -> s
    ArrayList -> [a]
  • working with Jenkins Credential Class

    import com.datapipe.jenkins.vault.credentials.common.VaultSSHUserPrivateKeyImpl
    import com.datapipe.jenkins.vault.credentials.common.VaultUsernamePasswordCredentialImpl
    import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl
    import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey
    import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider
    import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardCredentials
    import groovy.transform.Field
    def withCredential( String credentialsId, Closure body ) {
      Closure foo = { cid ->
          ( VaultSSHUserPrivateKeyImpl )          : { body([ username: cid.username, id: cid.id ]) },
          ( VaultUsernamePasswordCredentialImpl ) : { body([ username: cid.username, id: cid.id ]) },
          ( UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl )     : { body([ username: cid.username, id: cid.id ]) },
          ( BasicSSHUserPrivateKey )              : { body([ username: cid.username, id: cid.id ]) }
        ].find { it.key.isAssignableFrom( cid.getClass() ) }.value.call()
      foo CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials( StandardCredentials.class, jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance).find { credentialsId == it.id }
    withCredential( 'BASIC_CREDENTIAL' ) { account ->
      println "${account.id.getClass()} -> ${account.username}"
    withCredential( 'SSH_CREDENTIAL' ) { account ->
      println "${account.id.getClass()} -> ${account.username}"
    -- result --
    [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
    [Pipeline] echo
    class java.lang.String -> functional-account
    [Pipeline] echo
    class java.lang.String -> functional-account
    [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
    Finished: SUCCESS
  • Closure return Closure with DSL

    def withCredential( String credentialsId, Closure body ) {
      Closure foo = { cid ->
          ( VaultSSHUserPrivateKeyImpl )          : {
              withCredentials([[ $class: 'VaultSSHUserPrivateKeyBinding', credentialsId: credentialsId, privateKeyVariable : 'SSHKEY', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME' ]]) {
                body([ username : '${USERNAME}', sshkey : '${SSHKEY}' ])
          ( VaultUsernamePasswordCredentialImpl ) : {
              withCredentials([[ $class: 'VaultUsernamePasswordCredentialBinding', credentialsId: credentialsId, passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME' ]]) {
                body([ username : '${USERNAME}', password : '${PASSWORD}' ])
          ( UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl )     : {
              withCredentials([ usernamePassword( credentialsId: credentialsId, usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD' ) ]) {
                body([ username : '${USERNAME}', password : '${PASSWORD}' ])
          ( BasicSSHUserPrivateKey )              : {
              withCredentials([ sshUserPrivateKey( credentialsId: credentialsId, keyFileVariable: 'SSHKEY', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME' ) ]) {
                body([ username : '${USERNAME}', sshkey : '${SSHKEY}' ])
        ].find { it.key.isAssignableFrom( cid.getClass() ) }.value.call()
      foo CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials( StandardCredentials.class, jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance).find { credentialsId == it.id }
    def download( String url, String credential = 'BASIC_CREDENTIAL' ) {
      withCredential( credential ) { account ->
        sh """
          set +x
          [ ! -z '${name}' ] && [ ! -d \$(dirname '${name}') ] && mkdir -p \$(dirname '${name}')
          bash -c "/usr/bin/curl -u${account.username}:${account.password} -skg ${url}"
      } // withCredential
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