move between windows

commands shortcut
:wincmd l ctrl + wl
:wincmd h ctrl + wh
:wincmd j ctrl + wj
:wincmd k ctrl + wk



  • Resize splits more quickly
  • maximium split window: ctrl + w_
  • maximium vsplit window: ctrl + w|
  • resize window: ctrl + w|

horizontal resize

:res is the shortcut of :resize

commands or shortcut comments
:res n setup the width to lines
:resize -n reduce lines of the width
:resize +n extend lines of the width
ctrl + w+ extend 1 line
:wincmd + extend 1 line
ctrl + w- reduce 1 line
:wincmd - reduce 1 line
ctrl + w= resize to default: 50%
:wincmd = resize to default: 50%
ctrl + w_ maximum the window
:wincmd _ maximum the window
split resize -- split resize

vertical resize

commands or shortcut comments
:vertical res n setup the width to columns
:vertical resize -n reduce columns of the width
:vertical resize +n extend columns of the width
ctrl + w> extend 1 column
:wincmd > extend 1 column
ctrl + w< reduce 1 column
:wincmd < reduce 1 column
ctrl + w= resize to default: 50%
:wincmd = resize to default: 50%
ctrl + w| maximum the window
:wincmd ⎮ maximum the window
vertical split resize -- vertical split resize


quickfix windows -- quickfix windows
  • automatically fitting a quickfix window height
    au FileType qf call AdjustWindowHeight(3, 10)
    function! AdjustWindowHeight(minheight, maxheight)
      exe max([min([line("$"), a:maxheight]), a:minheight]) . "wincmd _"
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